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Bodytec.... Short cut training?


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Ever wonder why every post of the world champ, olimpic champ and current worldcup leader have the hashtag #noshortcuts

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It has its place. Unfortunately it's being marketed as a replacement for hard work. It appeals to the people with lots of cash and little time and therefore its success.

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Travis Robson, stockbroker


'I have been a passionate mountain biker since taking up the sport in 2008. Recently I have been competing and enjoying long distance races (+200km), which puts a toll on one’s body. Strength and core training is key when racing these distances. I found that I had little time for gym with my busy cycling training schedule, work and family responsibilities. A friend suggested BODYTEC®. I was a sceptical that a 20-minute session once a week would work. I have seen great results in a very short time in partiuclar with my core strength.'

Travis is a stockbroker and mountain biker and trains at BODYTEC Sandton





Sharon Miller, mountain biker and road cyclist

Firstly this is the one form of strengthening and toning that really works! After taking up BODYTEC®, I was able to stop all my weight training and just focus on having fun with my various sports and activities whilst enjoying the benefits of my body being strong. Not to mention the transformation of my muscle tone. I found it impossible to tone certain muscles at the gym yet those are now fully toned and looking great with BODYTEC®. I am very happy with the results.

Besides all these benefits it saves a huge amount of time. As time has gone by and I have become experienced in how to get the best results out of my session, I have also learned how to tailor it to suit my needs.  The trainers are always enthusiastic in helping me get the best workout for myself. I love it!

Sharon Miller is a mountain biker and road cyclist who trains at BODYTEC Steenberg

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I did it for 6 months last year.

Once a week on a Monday morning. I loved it. I have never felt so stiff in my life after a workout of any kind. By the Wednesday my ass hurt and other areas of my body that I didn't know had muscles. The trainers were great and varied their sessions accordingly to keep it spicy. I was kind of a yoga, aerobics suffer fest. When those electrical impulses kick in and they dial it up you feel it!


It is definitely not a quick fix and they will tell you that. It is meant is a supplementary form of exercise to replace hours in the gym. 

If you want arms like The Rock - no, it wont do that, if you want legs like some German track cyclist, it wont do that either

If you want washboard like abs, it will aid in that. If you want to drop body fat and tone up while building up upper body and core strength then yes it does the job. 

As a valuable cross fit type of training it helped me tremendously. It has helped my wife with her lower back issues by building up strength so she has less pain and more mobility.


In the 6 months I did it, I would precede it by a 12km run, then halfway through September I began training for the 947 but kept on with the BodyTec sessions.

The result?

With around 6hrs a week training across all disciplines I took 18 mins off my previous years 947 time to achieve my first sub 3 in a time of 2:49


Use it, don't use it


The outfit looks a bit naf, but i you are used to parading around a coffee shop in your cycling kit, then a Bodytec outfit is nothing, plus it leaves very little to the imagination which is always a plus when its hottie in the studio with you...

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I did it for 6 months last year.

Once a week on a Monday morning. I loved it. I have never felt so stiff in my life after a workout of any kind. By the Wednesday my ass hurt and other areas of my body that I didn't know had muscles. The trainers were great and varied their sessions accordingly to keep it spicy. I was kind of a yoga, aerobics suffer fest. When those electrical impulses kick in and they dial it up you feel it!


It is definitely not a quick fix and they will tell you that. It is meant is a supplementary form of exercise to replace hours in the gym. 

If you want arms like The Rock - no, it wont do that, if you want legs like some German track cyclist, it wont do that either

If you want washboard like abs, it will aid in that. If you want to drop body fat and tone up while building up upper body and core strength then yes it does the job. 

As a valuable cross fit type of training it helped me tremendously. It has helped my wife with her lower back issues by building up strength so she has less pain and more mobility.


In the 6 months I did it, I would precede it by a 12km run, then halfway through September I began training for the 947 but kept on with the BodyTec sessions.

The result?

With around 6hrs a week training across all disciplines I took 18 mins off my previous years 947 time to achieve my first sub 3 in a time of 2:49


Use it, don't use it


The outfit looks a bit naf, but i you are used to parading around a coffee shop in your cycling kit, then a Bodytec outfit is nothing, plus it leaves very little to the imagination which is always a plus when its hottie in the studio with you...

Not to be dismissive, but out of the 6 hours a week training why do you necessarily ascribe your success to the 20 minutes thereof on the Bodytec machine? 

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I don't attribute it solely to the BodyTec - but with use of a balanced training program I achieved a good result with minimal input. 

Its a known fact that core strength training is a very good bolt on exercise for improving your cycling results. I turned my legs off and focused only on upper body and glutes. 


Will see how this year goes as the training is very different. I stopped BodyTec in Jan this year as I needed to apply the cash elsewhere. I have kept on running, and am slowly building up time on the bike. I have done no core strength training except for sinking a load of Black Label 440ml 

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This the makings of an EPIC friday-fred.


Cannot wait for all the rocket surgeons to pitch up...

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I did it for 6 months last year.

Once a week on a Monday morning. I loved it. I have never felt so stiff in my life after a workout of any kind. By the Wednesday my ass hurt and other areas of my body that I didn't know had muscles. The trainers were great and varied their sessions accordingly to keep it spicy. I was kind of a yoga, aerobics suffer fest. When those electrical impulses kick in and they dial it up you feel it!


It is definitely not a quick fix and they will tell you that. It is meant is a supplementary form of exercise to replace hours in the gym. 

If you want arms like The Rock - no, it wont do that, if you want legs like some German track cyclist, it wont do that either

If you want washboard like abs, it will aid in that. If you want to drop body fat and tone up while building up upper body and core strength then yes it does the job. 

As a valuable cross fit type of training it helped me tremendously. It has helped my wife with her lower back issues by building up strength so she has less pain and more mobility.


In the 6 months I did it, I would precede it by a 12km run, then halfway through September I began training for the 947 but kept on with the BodyTec sessions.

The result?

With around 6hrs a week training across all disciplines I took 18 mins off my previous years 947 time to achieve my first sub 3 in a time of 2:49


Use it, don't use it


The outfit looks a bit naf, but i you are used to parading around a coffee shop in your cycling kit, then a Bodytec outfit is nothing, plus it leaves very little to the imagination which is always a plus when its hottie in the studio with you...


Great description.  I have done it for a year now.  You can not train once a week and expect to get stronger on its own.  It works well when done in conjunction with other cross training (and of course diet).  I used to mix it with the road riding, Wattbike and the odd gym session.  I used to always take my rest day the day after my Bodytec session as my body was most fatigued then.  As you train your recovery rate will get better but in the 1st month it takes almost 5 days to get over the sore and stiff body.  I am thinking of ending Bodytec now and will move on to a once a week bio to work more on my core but Bodytec is not bad. 

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