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  1. I see it now, don't race, so did think about it. It's probably still there. Gonna go look now. If I do get it, is there some way to get the ball rolling now?
  2. Saw this while at the BP / Sasol on 3rd Road, Northwold, Randburg.
  3. I never get coffee... But a smile and good job is kinda why I go!
  4. Got this little baby... Now I coffee anywhere!! http://www.handpresso.com/produit/55402_outdoor_hybrid_2.jpg http://www.handpresso.com/en/espresso-machines/manual-espresso-machines/handpresso-pump-set/
  5. I like this thread... I am not clipped in, but always try do them... And some days I just don't have the balance, others I can do them all day long. My best was 2 light changes,with a long crawl between them,and a crawl into the interchange, I was turning right, across the traffic, earned huge respect from the car behind me. He got stuck at the next light and made space for me, then followed me down a long hill, stopping a big truck from coming next to me.
  6. Finally got in front of my PC to add a pic or two.
  7. Love mine... Nothing wrong with it what so ever...
  8. So the bomb hole claimed another rider today. I was the first first aid trained cyclist to offer assistance, which is concerning, as the patient must have been down for a while when I arrived. Without going into details, he was relatively stable, but in shock, I stabilised him and got him into a flat recovery position, and waited for the paramedics. It is a neck and upper back injury, so there wasn't much more to do, except keep him stable and wait for the professionals. Thankfully my work has always required me to be first aid trained and I would say that the skills lernt gets used once every 6 months or so. Personally, I would love to see more people doing a first aid course, especially because of the dangers associated with riding. They are inexpensive and you can do a basic one in a day.
  9. Got one to eat, but couldn't jam it. Got a tarpon in 3 foot of water, and 4 bones over 10lbs. Read the next Flyfishing Magazine for the article.
  10. Yip, going to look closely at the geometry. Thank you.
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