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  1. They do that kind of crap....alot in the UK really not very cool!!!
  2. I can sleep at night, Ematrol, is definitely not on the banned list, in SA or on the WADA list. Valid point as I know of individuals who would use IVs to pump them up on multi day events to help recover faster. This really p@$$ed me off as everyone else has to focus on eating properly, getting to bed, and staying off the grog. Same rules apply to everyone
  3. Here's a fresh spin; I inadvertently took a banned substance Given to me by a mecic who had my best interests at heart Very sorry for bringing a sport already tarnished, into disrepute Will take whatever sanctions is served to me I had no intention of cheating The end....... What happened to Ematrol? Got me to the end of a Dusi.....mind you the closest I came to a podium was parking a tiger on it!
  4. Exploring the Lincolnshire Countryside, You can ride all the way from Lincoln to Sherwood Forest (Sherwood Pines), all on SusTrans routes, with the section from Tuxford to Cuthburton being the only section you have to share the road with cars in a cycle lane.
  5. Got my entry, don't know if I'm ready. But it's going to be a blast!
  6. Section on the yellow route, past the Rocky's Drift Road....basically the last yellow arrow
  7. Yes, have friends in the Dutch paddling team, they inform their federation of thier plan to train in SA, the federation then informs SAIDs, who then comes and does random testing. In one instance they had to cut a day out to the Kruger short to get back for testing!
  8. The Uitsoek Sky Marathon is a great event run in October. They ran the first event in June last year which was a great success. This year it will be on the 22nd October to get out of the fire season with the drought. http://www.terramotion.co.za/uitsoek-sky-marathon/ Sven and Andrew who, run the event are very passionate trail runners and this can be seen in what they do!
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